Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tips on how to curl hair with a curling iron?

Well, my hair is naturally straight and it will just not curl. It takes me about an hour to curl them, but it looses the curls in about 30 minutes.. It just looks slightly waved by the end of the day.Tips on how to curl hair with a curling iron?
Try leaving the curling iron on a piece of hair longer;Tips on how to curl hair with a curling iron?

curl your hair then put hair spray right away.
hair spray? and if you try overnight curlers those last A LOT longer. make sure your hair is 90 percent dry when you put them in, and put in a lil curling mousse then put it up. Hairspray it in the morning after you take them out
I have the same problem, so I wash my hair at night and set them in sponge rollers and let my hair dry overnight. When I wake up, my hair is curly and it stays all day
Use a wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooo鈥?bunch of hair spray whenever u curl them or buy a chi and still use a wwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo鈥?bunch of hair spray....
curling irons will never hold a curl. try getting those curlers you sleep in they look really cheap and you can get them at the dollar store. just put them in when your hair is damn and sleep in/keep them in for 6 or 8 hours (less if you don't have really long hair like i do) and then take them out, brush it out a bit so it isn't to piecy and spray with a little bit of hairspray to hold
my sister's hair is the exact same. she got these curlers,;index=target%26amp;field-browse=1042004%26amp;rh=k%3Arollers%2Cn%3A695155011%26amp;page=1

and it takes like 5 minutes or less to roll her hair, then she leaves them in for like 10-15 minutes while she gets ready. she takes them out and puts a bunch of hairspray, and her hair looks so cute and curly. when she uses a curling iron it always falls out, but so far with these, there are no complaints. if she adds hairspray at the end, that is.

hope i helped.
if your hair is kinda dirty it will curl better so if you know your going to curl your hair dont wash it the day before. then use LOTS of hairspray!
i have the same problem, heres what i do...

heat your tongs/curling iron to the highest temp.

apply heat defence to your hair

section off a small to medium piece of hair

brush the piece thoroughly

clasp the end with the curling iron, holding it horisontal, and slowly wind upwards

leave for 20-30 seconds

let go and unravel gently, without pulling straight

spray the whole length of hair with hairspray

put i little bit of wax/gel on the end to keep it together

repeat over the whole head, whilst continuing to spray with hairspray

one final blast of hairspray and it should hold

i like to use swartscoff [not a clue how to spell that lol] supersoft extra strength, the green or purple one...holds for hours and leaves your hair looking soft and sleek...happy curling :] x
I know just the trick!

When u have ur curling iron on make it to medium or the highest setting(i use the highest seting) and then spray some water on the part of ur hair u want to be curled! then when the iron is all heated up and ready curl your hair as usually but wait till most of the water is gone. then spray some hairspray on it, let it go and spray a little more hairspray. if THAT doesnt work then work some styling gel throught the part of your hair u want curled and curl it. then spray hairspray, let loose, and add a touch more hairspray. that should do the trick!

if that doesnt work email me at and i can help u.

lol sorry for the weird email address, my friend made it for me!
well, you could always take a shower the night before and put your hair in a really scrunched up messy bun and sleep with it overnight. when you wake up, take it out and blow dry your hair with a diffuser (they're pretty cheap if you don't have one, 10 dollars most. you can get it at wal mart) when its dry, it'll be pretty wave/curly (blow dry on low for curls, high for waves) than, take your curling iron. doesn't matter how big it is. heat it up, obviously. when you curl your hair, do your normal routine- but don't clamp your hair in the barrel. just take your piece of hair and wrap it around the barrel and hold it for a few seconds, when you're done just hairspray :)

(just some info, you don't have to do this, i don't, but before blow drying hair you can put a LITTLE bit of mousse in it, and than blow dry)

hope i helped ;D
Ok. My hair is stubborn to curl too, but I've figured out a few tricks! So don't use hair that has been washed that day...wash it the night before or 1 day before you curl it. The natural oils help hold the curl. I use a spray that is called Curlvasious by Schwarzkopf you can find it at Walgreens it's in a green bottle with a blue nozzle. You spray like 1-2 sprays on the strand your about to curl, then hold the curling iron in just a little longer than usual for about 10-12 seconds. After that don't touch it until it cools, so that it can set, then you can spray hair spray on it. Not touching it is so important! You might also try sponge curlers, put those in while your hair is wet and let them dry in the roller, it works. Be sure to put mouse in your hair while it's wet, then roll it in the curlers then spray it with hair spray when it's about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way dry. This is what I've found works through trial and error. Hope this helped!

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