Friday, November 19, 2010

How do I get curly hair without a curling iron?

I want to get my wavy hair curly without causing damage to the hair. I usually straighten it, but I just want something easy and quick. I've tried braids, and don't like the way it looks, I've tried sleeping with my wet hair in a bun, and in a hat. The hat was okay sometimes, but it didn't always turn out. Whats a way that I can style my hair (either over night, or in under ten minutes) to get it looking curly? How do I get curly hair without a curling iron?
when you get out of the shower, brush out all the knots..

take some gel and run it through your hair (not alot at ALL tho)

and then flip upside down and use more gel, scrunch it up in your hair..then use the diffuser on your hairdryer on it (while upside down)

until it seems pretty much dry, then flip it back up, place it where you want it, and put a little hairspray in it.

if u do it properly it wont look like u have gel OR hairspray in your hair. i did that today actually lol

hope i helped..

can you help me?;How do I get curly hair without a curling iron?
you can do it buy braiding or using rollers

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wash your hair, semi dry it so its damp, add some mouse, take a whole bunch of bobby pins, part hair in sections, roll each section around your finger (like you would with a roller or curling iron) %26amp; pin in place, leave in overnight wake up take it down %26amp; BOOM! wavy/curly hair with no heat

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look on youtube

ways to curl ur hair with a flat iron

and scrunch your hair!

Try using a moose?

and scruntching your hair with your hands
wash it, when out get towel dry it so it isn't like, soaking wet. throw in some mousse and scrunch it. hairspray it as necessary when done.
if you wash it and let it air dry.
rollers. you can buy the big brush ones, or the self heating.

Or you can roll parts of your hair with a pen, and then pen the roll to your head with a bobby pin.
well you could crimp it but there is an easier way. take a straightener and just use it as if it were curling iron.
Just scrunch it!
braid your hair, use rollers, or put it in a high/ tight bun

(these answers will only work if your hair is wet)
rollers, you can use foam rollers on damp hair, sleep on it overnight, then take them out in the morning, back in highschool this girl did it EVERY single day. her hair was straight, but literally every night she'd put her hair in rollers, she did it like that for years, then one day i found out it was straight! but really, a curling iron aint that big of a deal... your hair will be fine, just buy the ceramic or tourmaline kind, better on the heat element.. other than that your options are rollers, a perm, or the iron.
if you want to curl your hair with out the heat of a curling iron do this...

first start with 2inch by 1 foot of cloth strips, then wet your hair. grab a comb and section out a piece of hair grab the strip and roll the hair up to your skull and tye it. do that to your whole head and sleep in it (you can choose to spray it with hair spray). the next morning star unrolling the hair. use hair spray if you want though out the unrolling process. you can use this website but i would use more cloth strips. hope this help you!
Ok: I did this look in school, and when I took it out, my hair was in soft curls, just by pulling a simple clip out! So what I did is that i pulled my hair in a side bun (I tied the bun at where my neck begins) then I put on of these clips on the bun:

and then after lunch at school, I took it out and it was curly, and I didn't even plan it! In looked really nice and natural. You could do it to but maybe over night, or when you get up in the morning you could do it then at some point during the day you can take it out. Hope it works (and helps!) Good Luck!

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