Sunday, December 11, 2011

How do i curl my hair?

Ok so i have pretty much pin straight hair lol. And apperently it doesn't style well either. I bought a good quality curling iron. Its mediumish sized because my hair is quite long. But every time i curl it it just rolls out in like 3 minutes. Am i doing it right? Do i need hairspray? How long are you supposed to hold the curl with the iron before unrolling it? Any direction i'm supposed to do it? Heat? Help me out here!How do i curl my hair?
Yes. You will need to use products. I would suggest you get special mousse or gel (which ever you prefer) that is specifically for curls. Put that in your DAMP hair then blowdry with a DIFUSSER. If this doesn't give you any curl at all ( which it may not if your hair is extremely pin striaght..but it will still help) then use your curling iron..and I would just suggest to you that you experiment wiht how long to hold is different for everyone just have to fool around until you get what you want. And I would use the highest heat possible. Lastly, when you are curling you shoul dbe holding the curling iron vertically and when you pull it out pull the iron downward. This will keep the curls a nice shape. AND THEN LOAD ON SOME **FLEXIBLE HOLD** hairspray

Good Luck!How do i curl my hair?
uh dah you need hair spray but make sure you hold the curling iron to about 2-4 minutes on your hair but before you do that spray a light mist of water on your hair so it doesnt get damaged
i have the same problem. use a styling mousse or gel first in your hair. the when u curl your hair use hairspray on every strand. the spritz kind works better than aerosol
actually you need to apply hair pomenade or putty, it comes in different brands, its supposed to make your hair thicker and coarser and easier to style.
Use a molding cream from Dove before using the iron, it worked great for me.

Good Luck!
OK you need a little hair spray but not too much because you don't want that hard nasty look so you roll your hair and hold the curl for about ten seconds after the curling iron is nice and hot. Then after you are all done spray your hair with some hair spray and that should do the trick.
Perhaps rolling you hair with mousse to give it body and going under the dryer first hand might help you out a bit. A light holding spray or spritz could help you out also.
hold the curling iron and put hairspay right on it for about 2 min. or just buy some hot rollers your hair will turn out nice. beth
If you want your curls to stay in follow these directoins.

while your hair is on a curling iron get a good hairspray and get one that says extra hold and wihile its in the curling iron put the can a couple inches away from the curling iron and spray it lightly so it has a even coat do that all over where you want your curls and when you got all your curls done take the same hairspray and put one more light coat and spray it on your hair and your curls will stay.
i know a method that works but its a little crazy seeming...and it doesnt have anything to do with curling irons which can fry your hair if you use them often...ok so here it is...

first find an old pillowcase or some kind of material like that that can be cut or ripped into strips...i dont know how many you would need...but probably about 20 or so...make sure there arent any strings attached that will shed...ok

now instead of washing your hair in the it at night...comb it all out and then section it into half down the back...then half again across the back from ear to ear...then you can break it up however you want into the smaller sections in each section depending on what type of curl you want...

then what you do is hold a strip up to your head with enough off the top end to be able to tie it...then twist your section of hair and wrap it around the strip...when you get to the bottom push it up a little so that its tight and then tigh the strip using the 2 should make these little bunches on your head...just do it till all your hair is used up...then go to sleep.

when you wake up it should be dry but if not you can use a blow dryer a little if you have one to try and speed it up...gently take them out and kind of play with them so that they blend in can break them up for it to be fuller or just kind of keep them separated depending on how many you depends on what you like...worst come to worst if it doesnt work wear it up that day...haha...but after you get the hang of it it can look nice...sorry no pictures kind of comes out in ringlets that you can then manipulate to do whatever...good luck!
get jam or hair lotion

this is a better alternative to gel or hairspray because it doesnt dry out your hair, but it still makes it shiny and holds curls

spread it through your hair after you wash it, but when its dry.

use the curling iron like you usually would and hold the curl in the curling iron for 5 sec. (say mississippi after each second, but not fast)

*make sure not to put too much jam or lotion or else it will burn and get all nasty looking

*make sure you dont put too much hair into the iron when ur trying to curl it because then it wont work

-hope it helps
It's easiest to curl your hair in sections. Do the bottom section first (pin up about 3/4 of the other hair) and then proceed to the top. Once you've finished curling this bottom section, let down a little more hair. Try also using a heat protectant spray. If you get your hair cut at the salon, ask your stylist. Otherwise Target has some brands that will work---The product will not damage your hair and also allow for a tighter, more held curl. Also, try hotools curling irons or just make sure you're curling iron heats up to at least 350 degrees.Make sure when you are done to spray your hair with hairspray. I like BedHead hardhead----It keeps my curls lasting 8 hours. Hope this helps :)
No, I can guarantee the best way to get curls to last longer is this:

After washing, drying, and thoroughly conditoning and moisturising your hair, grab the piece of hair that you're about to curl, preferably starting from the back of the head, and spray a strong holding spritz on the section, then curl your hair with med-high heat. Leave heat on for about 10 seconds (for instance count slowly ';one-onethousand, two-onethousand, three-onethousand'; all the way to ten-onethousand).

Right after you unwrap your hair from the barrel, hand roll your hair back into the curl and take a long bobby pin and pin it up to your scalp so that it won't fall out the bobby pin or hang down your neck.

Do that with each section of hair you curl (spray individually up and down long strands, bobby pin up, spray again) and then once all your hair is pinned up to your head spray it once more all over and then tie it up with a big fishnet scarf and sit under the dryer for about 5 minutes.

Do make up, get dressed or whatever you do and right before you go out, unpin all your hair and it will look so beautiful and bouncy and curly!
  • thinning hair
  • healthy hair
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